Post-cruise sensations

Body Sensations after Sea Cruising

I am female, turning 79 this month, and in good health. We have sea-cruised on several occasions.


Post-cruise sensations can be awful.

Two weeks ago we returned from a lengthy sea cruise where I was well and experienced no motion issues while on the ship. Since returning I have body sensations resembling those experienced on the ship, there is a significant swell and I therefore need to walk carefully because the floor/ground seems to be moving.

When sitting, or in the shower, the sensation is of a rocking movement. There is also a rocking movement in bed … this is not too uncomfortable and doesn’t keep me awake.

The first sign of the sensation was when we went on land at some of the ports visited and I “felt the ground moving”.

I have always coped easily with ship movement, even in storms/rough weather…….. I have not experienced any nausea or disorientation.

I do not get car sickness, or have motion issues associated with any kind of travel or other activities.

This is the first time I have had post-cruise sensations. I would not have expected this to happen to me.
It feels as though some sensor in my body has forgotten to turn off.

Anne M, Shepparton

Ed: Sounds like disembarkment syndrome (Mal de Debarquement), any suggestions for treatment?

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